Ruby Rose is passionate about yoga, sound healing and the power of sanskrit. Sanskrit is an ancient language reserved for prayer and is referred to as the language of the divine. Ruby Rose has experienced first hand the benefits of mantra for calming the mind and how chanting sanskrit offers the individual a gateway to experiencing higher states of consciousness. Through this practise, known as Bhakti Yoga she has experienced bliss, joy, peace, oneness and love. She shares her movement, mantra and mediations via YouTube every week.
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How Ruby can help you
Sound Healing
As you are bathed in the pure tones of crystal singing bowls you will experience a sound healing straight from the divine.
Available in individual, couples or group bookings.
Enjoy an uplifting experience of movement, meditation and mantra. Ruby Rose is a dedicated yogini who has learnt the wisdom of this scientific process that leads to blissful experiences.
Available in individual, couple or group bookings.
Energy Healing
This healing treatment realigns mental, physical and emotional energy and brings you into a higher frequency as you re-connect to your natural state of well-being.
Available in individual Sessions.
This therapy aligns the subconscious and conscious mind. Creating new and empowered thinking and puts you in the driver seat as the creator of your life.
Available in individual or group bookings.